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March 11, 2011

Alouettes Clinic Hosted by the Gatineau Vikings

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Aug 3, 2010

NEW - 2011 Bel-Air Scholarship Program

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Howard Campbell Bursary

Lions Winner Of The Howard Campbell Bursary



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About the Bursary:
Article 12 Bursaries
1. For the 1998 season, and for subsequent years, the NCAFA will award two (2) bursaries in the amount of $500.00 each to graduating Bantam players based on the following criteria:
a) Each club that has a Bantam team shall submit the name of one player who illustrates:
i) a high academic standing (over 75% from the previous year);
ii) a significant level of on-field performance;
iii) a number of years playing football and progression; and
iv) an important contribution to his/her team.

2. All nominations must be forwarded by the President of NCAFA and endorsed by the player's head coach and club President by the date of the monthly meeting held in October of each year. The President of the NCAFA will chair a committee of three executive members and/or Board of Governors representatives that review all applications.

3. The Bursaries will be awarded to a player from the West and a player from the East. The winners will be presented with a letter of congratulations on the field prior to commencement of the Sullivan Conference Bantam Championship.

4. The money will be held in trust until confirmation of enrollment is received and a cheque will then be issued to the post-secondary institution directly.

5. The Bursary to be awarded to the player from the western team will be in the name of Mr. Howard Campbell, a long time supporter of the Myers Riders organization. The Bursary to be awarded to the player from the eastern team will be in the name of Mr. John Smith, who has served his club, the Bel-Air Copeland Lions, for close to thirty years.

6. The continuance of the program will be dependent upon the financial stability of the Association and subject to review and/or cancellation at anytime.


2000 - John Crupi  
1999 - Nayef Sayegh  
1998 - Dan Donaghy